Events and publications
New IBBA project: The Latin American premiere of the documentary "Out of Quarantine" will take place today
A special message from the Association “Global Energy " to our dear friends in Latin America
Sputnik V - advantages of the Russian vaccine and prospects for cooperation with Latin American countries.
IBEROAMÉRICA Central de Noticias. Nadey Hakim and Covid-19: Revealing Notes on the Russian Sputnik V Vaccine
Sputnik V - advantages of the Russian vaccine and prospects for cooperation with Latin American countries. The online conference broadcast record
Video (in Spanish and English) of our Russian-Latin American conference about the first coronavirus vaccine. Еhis event was requested by Journalists from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru and Uruguay with the Participation of scientists from the Russian national center for epidemiology and Microbiology Gamaley and the heads of the Russian direct investment Fund

Montevideo Portal: Russia hopes to start shipping its virus vaccine to Latin America in December
IBEROAMÉRICA Central de Noticias: Russian vaccine Sputnik V : "In December will begin supplies of vaccine for Latin America”
"Questions on Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine answered, Time for critics to look for plank in own eyes". Read the op-ed by #RDIF CEO Kirill Dmitriev in Sputnik International.
Azteca Noticias on Twitter: Russian researchers tell about the evidence and probable dates of the arrival in Mexico of the vaccine against Covid-19
adn40 : By the end of this year and beginning of 2021 the first doses of the Russian vaccine against # COVID19 would be coming to America.
Well-known Uruguayan journalist Sebastian Beltrame visited the laboratory that created the Russian vaccine: "They claim that it is effective, and they are already vaccinating"
Azteca Noticias @AztecaNoticias : Report from the laboratory where the Russian vaccine Sputnik V was developed. It works at full capacity in order to have it as soon as possible.